I just watched the famed "Skyfall" yesterday. Admittedly, it was the first ever Bond movie that I've seen. First off, yeah, of course it was pretty cool. However, considering the score it got on IMDb (8.0) and with all my friends saying it was amazing, I couldn't help but doubt their judgement.
In many cases, even some that I deal with personally, people like certain movies because they are part of a franchise. People dislike and disdain the Transformers movies, but that doesn't stop Bay from setting world records for the third installment. If you don't like the movie, why are you helping Bay reach his quota, and then some? But, like a victim, I have ran straight into the testosterone seeping brick wall that is Transformers. I love those movies. I do. I can't wait for the fourth one (yes, there will be another trilogy to come).
Another example is the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. The original trilogy is probably my favorite trilogy of all time, but as soon as I heard the fourth one was coming to release, I was utterly excited to buy my tickets. And now, Disney announced the fifth one. When will enough be enough? The point here is this: yes, Disney is probably milking it for the money, but for some reason, since it's "Pirates of the Caribbean" I can't get enough and I'll never stop watching and loving them.
Now, to the main point. The Bond movies have been around since forever, I know that. I feel that with the constant change in actors, the movies will naturally fluctuate with how good they are. But, for some reason, "Skyfall" received a great score, comparatively to the other Bonds, on IMDb. Here I am thinking that people loved it so much because it has "Bond" plastered to the front, the same way I love anything that says "Pirates," or "Pixar," regardless how good the movie actually was.
During my viewing of "Skyfall," I couldn't help but think that the three major spy franchises, namely Bourne, Bond, and Impossible, that Bond was the worst of the three. Throughout the movie, I kept saying to myself, "Eliot, don't dislike Bond because you have a bias for Ethan Hunt." I tried. I really did. But as it comes to it, I didn't think "Skyfall" was that good. It was good, don't get me wrong, but "Ghost Protocol" was just way better. If I could give "Skyfall" a 6.5 on IMDb, I would, but I was nice and gave it 7.
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