Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Evil Dead (2013)

I do not own rights to above image

The first thing I will say is that this movie blew me out of the water. It was so spectacularly done. I loved the acting, the filming, the practical effects, and most notably, the level of violence. Most horror movies can't portray horror in such brutality as this one did. I'm not much of a fan of the types of horror that require one's imagination to be afraid (i.e. anything Paranormal/ghostly), nor am I a fan of creature features/serial killers (i.e. Friday the 13th).

Possession horrors fit right in that one spot in between both stated above. It's ghosty/spiritual-like, but at the same time becoming possessed turns the character into a creature (metaphorically). Possession is the key (in my opinion) to be at the height of frightening. Being unable to control oneself scares me more than anything. Saying that, the original Evil Dead and this one are both my favorites for the horror genre.

Including such brutality with the violence and gore is one thing, but taking it to this level pulled it all together. Saw was one thing, and now it's in the past. Filmmakers are scared to put such imagery in a movie - it may repel some audiences. I understand that, but where is the line when it starts looking fake? If I cut off my arm with a turkey cutter, will it be a clean cut with no blood, guts, and bone? No! It'll be just that: The most horrific thing you've ever seen.

To take an example from the movie, I loved the fact that Mia got her hand stuck underneath the truck for a few reasons. Most people roll out of the way, no harm done. But, was Mia an action hero? No, she was a scared girl with a blood-drenched dress on. How far could she possibly go? Getting her hand stuck made it look more realistic. Another thing I liked about it was the fact that it gave the filmmaker more time for the [real] possessed girl to approach and scare the audience. Thirdly, making Mia rip off her own hand was what pulled it all together. It looked real, and I felt the pain running through my nerves. I commend the filmmaker and actress for that scene.

Other than specific examples, my summation of Evil Dead is this: The movie was truly an amazing thing. I was so happy to find out I got a pre-screening ticket for it. I'm probably going to go see it again once it officially releases, and then buy it on Blu-Ray! Definitely within my top 3 favorite horror movies. Sam and Fede did such a fantastic job. It truly was the most terrifying film I've ever experienced.

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